Monday, May 24, 2010

Wait! What? I thought a Triathlon was a drinking game

I've never really been the kind of guy to just sit around and do nothing (unless I just ate my weight at Double Dave's) and luckily for me about a year ago I figured out if you wear shorts that are entirely to short and pin a number to your shirt you can run down the middle of the street sweating and panting like a crazy person and not only do people accept you, they come out in droves to cheer for you. They even bring you free stuff! water, Gatorade, gummy bears, and even t-shirts, medals, and beer once you decide to stop running. The greatest part about it is people sincerely feel your pain and cheer with all their heart as if this great suffering we are in the middle of isn't self inflicted and altogether avoidable! HA jokes on them! no one is chasing me (accept slower runners) and there is nothing preventing me from just stopping once I get tired.

I have no philosophical reason on why I run. trying to figure out why I run is not even top 10 on my "What the hell did you do that for" list....but that's a story for another day.

We only get one shot at this life thing and I don't know about you but I plan on making as big of an impact as I possibly can. I have had the privilege of training with two incredible marathon teams with Team in Training and have now joined my first triathlon team. What inspires me even more than my fellow crazy teammates are the survivors of Leukemia & Lymphoma I interact with on a weekly basis. We could all learn a lot from their never fading positive attitudes, passion for life, and unbelievable desire to help others.

After all isn't that what it's all about?

Please take a minute and visit my fundraising site and be a part of the $3,500 I will be raising for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society this season:

and a huge thanks to Chase Brecheen for making the first donation to my second annual fundraiser. Please save this blog, I will be updating it as often as I can. I will also be sending out periodic emails to keep you updated on my swimming err sinking progress as well as OUR fundraising efforts...
Disclaimer: if you do not wish to receive these emails in the future tough $*it