Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lots to cover

Lots to cover indeed we are now less than a month away from the Nation's Triathlon in Washington DC!!! Alot has changed over this season and there is still a good way to go, but for me this triathlon really is about the journey not the destination. Admitting weakness isn't easy for anyone (especially me) and doing what it takes to surpass that shortcoming is even more difficult.

This weekend I was out of town so I didn't get to put on a single piece of spandex, no spandex at a bachelor party crazy I know. So feeling guilty I set off for a pretty tough ride/run workout last night, pulled up to Texas Motor Speedway and left the radio on (ok blaring) as I situated my gear. Well a few minutes later a guy pulls up next to me and is getting ready for his ride, when he heard my music he stopped and did one of those full body turns in my direction. That's when i realized I was jamming out to KISS! the worst. I love 80s glam rock as much as the next guy but portraying my self as a die hard Kiss fan, so much so that I had to rock it out with the car doors open as I aired up my tires was well a little embarrassing. I would have felt better about it if I was jamming out to Katy Perry's Popsicle song, at least then he would KNOW I'm an idiot and not have to wonder.

It was a cool 87 degrees last night with a nice wind AKA the first time I haven't been about to pass out from just standing outside in about a month. I rode 15 miles on the bike then ran 5, some days I really like those long hard workouts by your self it forces you to think about stuff you normally just drown out with Kiss or Katy Perry music. For me last night it was mostly about how I have gotten to the point in my life I am currently at and how I could have never gotten here alone.

Here comes a cheesy analogy. When riding a bike wind can make a huge difference, when riding into a head wind or cross wind you really have to bear down and pedal like there is no tomorrow to maintain any momentum, and the whole time you're doing it all you can think is how the dang wind is slowing you down. Then you make a right turn and all of the sudden you feel like the strongest man alive! You jump into the hardest gear and crank those legs as hard as you can...all of the sudden you forgot about the wind (that is now at your back) and you have convinced yourself you're the next Lance Armstrong.

My point in this little cheesy antidote is it is very very easy to find something, someone, or anything else to blame when things are challenging and we always quick to jump to who or what SHOULD be helping us through this challenge. Then when things finally start going your way, its easy to have no one to thank but yourself. After all your pedaling. For me its been a long crazy journey to where I am right now, after an unsuccessful career choice I have jumped around trying to find the next great job for me. It has been the most challenging thing I have ever gone through, and alot of times I think of it as just that. Something challenging I am going through and how fortunate I feel that I am starting to make some nice headway. Well that could not be more far from the truth, I am very blessed to have a supportive family, that has always pushed me to pursue my dreams and be the best I can. I want to thank my mother, my father, my brothers and my sister in law for everything they have done for me I don't know where I would be without yall. Probably living in a van down my by the river! I also have some of the greatest friends anyone could ask for and its easy to take that for-granted, I appreciate the people in my life and the impact you all have made on me is unmeasurable.

A friend of mine asked me yesterday "why I got into all these crazy sports" I told her to prove to myself I can. But, the more I think about it that's not the right answer. The real answer is I got into this stuff to prove that with the right support, even the most daunting challenges can look like a "swim in the park". We all have alot of potential and today its high time I thank those that have helped me create this potential.

The Leukemia & Lymphoma helps those that are taking on a challenge much greater than anything I could imagine, and its not a challenge they signed up for. LLS provides that support they so desperately need; from counseling family members and patients on what to expect during the treatment process, to financial support for cancer victims that are rocked by the sheer cost of trying to stay alive, to supporting the medical field that fights as hard as they can everyday to make the lives of others a little better. Your donation to LLS makes a world of difference, every single dollar counts so take a second and make your donation.

My Fundraising Page

I also will be co-hosting a wine tasting (ok drinking) party on Saturday August 28th at 8pm. All the proceeds will go to our LLS fundraising efforts. The cost for you to join me is $10 to El Wine Chateau to cover his costs AND a minimum of $10 donated to LLS. If you are interested let me know ASAP, seating is limited and the deadline to sign up is this Saturday.