Thursday, July 15, 2010

Why we really do this...

So today is the day I make my final commitment to raising the rest of my fundraising goal and make my final push to actually completing this triathlon. I wanted to take a few minutes to share why what we do with Team-in-Training really matters. Above is a video ESPN ran a few weeks back about Garrett Karp a High School senior who was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma. What is the most impressive to me (besides his 3 pointer) is his unbelievably positive attitude, we could all learn a lot from that. For me it seems like everyday I run across some challenge that makes me just want to give up, Garrett shows us that for some challenges giving up simply can not be an option. Near the end of this video his friend sums it all up with this:

"If he can do this, what can I do?"

The money we raise for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society goes directly to help fight the disease Garrett has. Please take this opportunity to support this amazing cause however you see fit.

My Fundraising Page:


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