Monday, June 21, 2010

Ya but it looks good on you....

So a couple of my friends got a boat a few weeks ago, which by the way is a great idea, not buying a boat but being friends with more people that own boats. Anyway we went out this weekend after my Saturday tri practice (more on that later) and what happened within five minutes of getting this beast in the water? me frantically greasing up with spf 50 sunscreen? Ya but that's not it. I dive in the lake and lose my sunshades! I've been around the lake my whole life and have worn glasses even longer but there is something about sunglasses that just begs you to break them, lose them, scratch them or otherwise render them useless in a timely manor. I always try and keep a spare pair of shades on stand by. So for now its back to the aviators I'm pretty sure I stole from Courtney a couple years ago, but more than likely I'm going to be back in the sunglasses market soon....which is a very interesting one.

Why is it sunglasses can be so defining of an individual? There are a million different variations of the simple invention intended to shield your eyes from the bright sun. I can tell you if I'm going to not like a person within 3 seconds of seeing their shades. Hey, "huge white frame, blue lens shades worn upside down on the back of your head while inside guy"! you look like an idiot. (I'm looking at you host of Dinners, Dives, and Drive-Ins) In today's culture we don't make fun of these people enough, we've gone soft. People tell them they look cool, or even worse they tell them it looks good on them. (which almost always means I think you look like a D-Bag) At this rate the overly tanned affliction t-shirt guys and bleached blonde girls in heels that are to tall are going to take over....oh wait.

I will probably get some new sunglasses off (awesome site) but I might buy something ridiculous and you know what people will then say to me? I couldn't pull it off but it looks good on you. I will become delusional and tell myself that's really what they think but we all know it isn't true. One of our friends on the boat wears uni-lens girl sunglasses and that's what we told him. Is that really what we think or has the spiral of lies gotten so out of control that we don't even know anymore??

Sunglasses were not the only thing in jeopardy during my nearly perfect dive-splash-kick thing I also had on a yellow bandanna, luckily for that 3x3 piece of fabric it remained intact. I have worn bandannas pretty much since freshman year of college, you are just as likely to see me in a bandanna as you are a baseball hat. However, since we are on the subject, do you know what people have told me the last 7 years? I couldn't pull it off but it looks good on you! ---uh oh!


I swam with the team for the first time on Saturday and I'm pretty sure the coaches thought I was a hopeless swimmer but they stuck with me and I'm getting better. Tonight I went for a swim at the Y and there was only one open swim lane; a 16 year old kid that probably swam 5 miles non-stop the entire time I was there, a chubby little Asian kid, and me. After about 10 minutes I had the Asian kid on my side as we plotted the demise of the successful swimmer, lets call him Steve. Didn't take long before me and my Asian buddy were both flopping around on opposite sides of the pool trying to stay a float, I don't think Steve much appreciated our futile attempts to keep pace with him, but what's he gonna do about it? That's what I thought, Steve.


Thank you Chip Seale for making your second contribution to LLS, next will have him training for a marathon!

Did you know a mile is 35 laps in a pool (70 lengths)? That's basically how far I have to swim just to start this triathlon in September! "Join TNT, raise $3,500 dollars towards the research and treatment of Leukemia & Lymphoma, Go to DC for a triathlon and drown before you ever get on the freakin' bike." I might make that into a T-shirt!

In all seriousness this is a big week for my fundraising, I have three months until the event and my goal is to have $1,000 raised by the end of the week (I'm just under $600 right now) so please read this silly blog, laugh at my ridiculous stories but then take the extra 3 minutes of your day to visit my fundraising site and see what this is all really about. Every donation is appreciated, by me and more importantly by those that the money goes directly to help.


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